Last Friday I was walking along Queen's Steet in Auckland with Sanchio and my parents and who do I bump into -
Matthias - a study colleagues from Agilent back in Germany. What a small world. We exchanged phone numbers and decided to meet up when he is back from his trip to the Bay of Islands. Yesterday we met up and went on a little road trip. After a shot trip to (N)One tree hill to get a good aerial view of Auckland...

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...we drove out to Piha on the West coast.

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After some hours on the beach watching the surf and enjoying the sun we went to the Kitekite Waterfall just around the corner. What an amazing place. I walked up a little track to get to the top of the falls and the steep climbing was rewarded with stunning views and a refreshing bath in a private pool on top of the falls.

[click on photo for more pictures]
On the way back we paid a short visit to Karekare Beach.

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Back in Auckland we had dinner in Mission Bay - what a great day!
1 Kommentar:
Wunderschön - und das super Wetter.
Da fällt der Abschied von NZ schwer-
und wir sitzen im Jetlag zu Hause in Germany
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